The Patrol System

The Patrol System

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The Patrol System :
(i) A company shall be divided into Patrols. Each Patrol will have Patrol Corner, Patrol Song, Patrol Yell, Patrol Sign, Patrol Flag.
(ii) Each Patrol may consist of six to eight guides inclusive the Patrol Leader and the second.
(iii) Each Patrol shall bear the name of a flower chosen in consultation with the Patrol-in- council and every
of the Patrol shall wear the emblem of the Patrol on the uniform.
(iv) Company Leader : One of the Patrol Leaders, with not less than 6 months service as a Patrol Leader, with Dwitiya Sopan Badge, may be appointed as Company Leader by the Guide Captain in consultation with the Court of Honour. She shall wear the Guide uniform and in addition three Green Armlets each 1.5 cm wide, stitched over the cuff of the left sleeve, each 1 cm a part and Company Leader’s Badge with its base 4 cms. above the right sleeve. She offers active assistance to the Guide Captain and Assistant Guide Captain and take charge of the unit in the absence of the Adult Unit Leaders. Company Leader’s Badge is a rectangular Badge with in yellow on green background with a yellow ring round it and three vertical stripes to the left of the emblem.
(v) Assistant Company Leader: One of the Patrol Leaders with not less than 6 months service as a Patrol Leader with Dwitiya Sopan Badge may be appointed as Assistant Company Leader by the Guide Captain in consultation with the Court of Honour. She shall wear the Guide Uniform and in addition three green armlets each 1.5 cm wide stitched over the cuff of the left sleeve. Each 1 cm apart and Asstt. Company Leader’s Badge with its base 4 cms. above the right sleeve, as per diagram shown on page no. 175 & 176. The Assistant Company Leader assists the Company Leader as directed. Assistant Company Leader’s Badge is a rectangular Badge with emblem and ring around it in green colour and three green vertical stripes to the left of the emblem.
(vi) Patrol Leader : There shall be a Patrol Leader for each Patrol. Patrol leader is a Guide appointed as a Patrol Leader by the Guide Captain in consultation with the Court of Honour and the concerned Patrol to lead a Patrol of Guides. She shall wear the Guide uniform and in addition two green armlets each 1.5 cm wide stitched over the cuff of the left sleeve each 1 cm. apart.
(vii) Second : There shall be a Second for each Patrol. A Second is a Guide selected by the Patrol Leader with the approval of the Guide Captain and the Court of Honour. She shall assist the Patrol Leader and take her place in her absence. She shall wear the Guide Uniform and in addition one green armlet 1.5 cm wide stitched over the cuff of the left sleeve1 cm. above the lower edge.
(viii) Court of Honour : There shall be a Court of Honour for every Company. The Court of Honour shall consist of the Company Leader, Assistant Company Leader and the Patrol Leaders; Seconds may be admitted as members of the Court of Honour, except when matters of discipline are dealt with. The Company Leader, Assistant Company Leader or one of the Patrol Leader elected shall function as Secretary. The Court of Honour shall plan activities and deal with the internal matters of the Company and also matters of finance and discipline. The Guide Captain and the Assistant Guide Captain shall act as advisers.
(ix) Patrol-in-Council : There shall be a Patrol-in-Council for every Patrol. The Patrol-in-council shall consist of the members of the Patrols. Patrol Leader shall be the Chairman. The Patrol-in-Council shall deal with all affairs of the Patrol.

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