(a) The Scout Proficiency Badges are as follows.
1. AIDS Awareness | 34. Electrician | 67. Musician |
2. Air Spotter | 35. Electronics | 68. Naturalist |
3. Ambulance Man | 36. Entertainer | 69. Nutrition Educator |
4. Archer | 37. Explorer | 70. Oarsman |
5. Artist | 38. Event Manager | 71. Pathfinder |
6. Athlete | 39. Free Being Me | 72. Photographer |
7. Aviator | 40. Farmer | 73. Pioneer |
8. Backwoodsman | 41. Fireman | 74. Plumber |
9. Basket worker | 42. Florist | 75. Poultry farmer |
10. Bee Master | 43. Folk Dancer | 76. Printer |
11. Bird Warden | 44. Forester | 77. Public Healthy man |
12. Boatman | 45. Friend to Animals | 78. Reader |
13. Book Binder | 46. Games Leader | 79. Rescuer |
14. Braille | 47. Gardener | 80. Rural Engineer |
15. Camel man | 48. Good Neighbour | 81. Rural Worker |
16. Camper | 49. Gymnast | 82. Safety knowledge |
17. Camp Warden | 50. Handyman | 83. Salesman |
18. Cancer Awareness | 51. Healthy man | 84. Sanitation Promoter |
19. Carpenter | 52. Herbalist | 85. Scholar |
20. Citizen | 53. Heritage | 86. Secretary |
21. Climber | 54. Hiker | 87. Sea Fisherman |
22. Civil Defence | 55. Hospital man | 88. Self Defence |
23. Community Singing | 56. Interpreter | 89. Signaller |
24. Community Worker | 57. Interpreter to the Deaf | 90. Soil Conservator |
25. Computer Awareness | 58. Journalist | 91. Solar Energy Awareness |
26. Cook | 59. Launder | 92. Stalker |
27. Cyclist | 60. Leather Worker | 93. Star man |
28. Dairyman | 61. Leprosy Control | 94. Swimmer |
29. Debator | 62. Literacy | 95. Tailor |
30. Desert folk | 63. Map Maker | 96. Telegraphist |
31. Drug Awareness | 64. Marksman | 97. Tracker |
32. Disaster Management | 65. Meteorologist | 98. World Conservation |
33. Ecologist | 66. Motor Mechanic | 99. World Friendship |
100. Yoga |
(b) The syllabus for these badges is as given in the Appendix.
(c) The Proficiency Badges are issued on the basis of certificates issued by qualified and independent examiners appointed by the Local or District Association. These Certificates are issued when a Scout successfully completes the test to their satisfaction.
(d) All Proficiency Badges unless otherwise stated, shall be worn on the right – arm in parallel rows. The Ambulance man Badges are worn one each on both arms just below shoulder badges on right and left shoulders.
(e) These badges can be worn by Scouts only.
(f) All Proficiency Badges of the Scout Section will be in green on grey background with exception of Ambulance man Badge.