Scout Proficiency Badges

Scout Proficiency Badges

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(a) The Scout Proficiency Badges are as follows.

1. AIDS Awareness 34. Electrician 67. Musician
2. Air Spotter 35. Electronics 68. Naturalist
3. Ambulance Man 36. Entertainer 69. Nutrition Educator
4. Archer 37. Explorer 70. Oarsman
5. Artist 38. Event Manager 71. Pathfinder
6. Athlete 39. Free Being Me 72. Photographer
7. Aviator 40. Farmer 73. Pioneer
8. Backwoodsman 41. Fireman 74. Plumber
9. Basket worker 42. Florist 75. Poultry farmer
10. Bee Master 43. Folk Dancer 76. Printer
11. Bird Warden 44. Forester 77. Public Healthy man
12. Boatman 45. Friend to Animals 78. Reader
13. Book Binder 46. Games Leader 79. Rescuer
14. Braille 47. Gardener 80. Rural Engineer
15. Camel man 48. Good Neighbour 81. Rural Worker
16. Camper 49. Gymnast 82. Safety knowledge
17. Camp Warden 50. Handyman 83. Salesman
18. Cancer Awareness 51. Healthy man 84. Sanitation Promoter
19. Carpenter 52. Herbalist 85. Scholar
20. Citizen 53. Heritage 86. Secretary
21. Climber 54. Hiker 87. Sea Fisherman
22. Civil Defence 55. Hospital man 88. Self Defence
23. Community Singing 56. Interpreter 89. Signaller
24. Community Worker 57. Interpreter to the Deaf 90. Soil Conservator
25. Computer Awareness 58. Journalist 91. Solar Energy Awareness
26. Cook 59. Launder 92. Stalker
27. Cyclist 60. Leather Worker 93. Star man
28. Dairyman 61. Leprosy Control 94. Swimmer
29. Debator 62. Literacy 95. Tailor
30. Desert folk 63. Map Maker 96. Telegraphist
31. Drug Awareness 64. Marksman 97. Tracker
32. Disaster Management 65. Meteorologist 98. World Conservation
33. Ecologist 66. Motor Mechanic 99. World Friendship
100. Yoga

(b) The syllabus for these badges is as given in the Appendix.

(c) The Proficiency Badges are issued on the basis of certificates issued by qualified and independent examiners appointed by the Local or District Association. These Certificates are issued when a Scout successfully completes the test to their satisfaction.

(d) All Proficiency Badges unless otherwise stated, shall be worn on the right – arm in parallel rows. The Ambulance man Badges are worn one each on both arms just below shoulder badges on right and left shoulders.

(e) These badges can be worn by Scouts only.

(f) All Proficiency Badges of the Scout Section will be in green on grey background with exception of Ambulance man Badge.

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