World Friendship

World Friendship

Estimated reading time: 1 min

World Friendship :
(i) Have an elementary knowledge of the geography history and people of at lest two countries other than her own.
(ii) Have corresponded regularly for not less than one year at least six letters with a Guide of some other country, either individually or as a part of a Patrol, or Company “Linking”.
(iii) Have some knowledge of the organization and activities of World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.
(iv) Have done at least two of the following :
(a) Have kept an album or scrap book for a least one year giving illustrated information on Guide
activities, culture, sports, home life and national affairs if another country.
(b) Know the purpose and organisation of United Nations, the functions of its principle, subsidiary agencies and be able to explain these in simple terms.
(c) Have taken part in some practical activities of an International Character such as the collection and distribution of relief supplies, the reception and settlement of new immigrants or assisted in some project of non-partisan organisation for the promotion of the World Sisterhood.
(d) Camp or hike for at least seven days with a Guide of another country (either in your country or their country) and produce a log book covering this event to include your impressions and knowledge gained from the visiting guides and their country or countries.
(e) Entertain in your home for not less than two days a Guide or Guides from overseas.

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