1) Get the Knowledge of website of Election Commission and help at least two persons to enroll themselves in the electoral roll.
2) A. Know First Aid, Mapping, Pioneering and Camp craft skills upto Tritiya Sopan B. Show further progress in Hobbies, Handicrafts and Vocational Skills
3) Study any book of Transaction Analysis and be able to state 3 Ego state and 3 types of transactions
4) Qualify for Ambulance man Badge of Scout Section with knowledge of CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation).
5) Prepare a paper or give talk on religious tolerance or participate in any religions function other than of his own and report to the Rover Scout Leader / Crew Council.
6) Render service in an institution/structure/place/ building of public importance/ public garden and look after its upkeep at least two hours in a week for at least three months.
7) Complete the following
- (a) Participate in a Campaign by a Crew to educate people in protecting public properties.
- (b) Build a Pioneering Project at the campaign area with the help of Crew and local community.
8) Be able to present culture and heritage of any region of India through modern Audio-visual aids.
9) To inculcate the habit of small saving in to the Rovers through a bank formed by them and also to make them learn banking operations. Or Guide and
promote at least one Self Help Group of a locality of village/town/city.
10). a) Create an ID in a Social Network and be able to communicate with at least ten members of any other states of BSG.
b) Plan and work for a Project at least for a month in consultation with Rover Scout Leader to help Children/Aged/Differently able/Sick persons in an old age home or at an orphanage or at an appropriate place close to locality. OR Plan and finance a project with crew members to enrich the life of villagers, staying in a village at least for a week
11) Have knowledge in
i) Camp Craft :
- a. Pitching, striking & packing a Double Fly Tent.
- b. Layout of a camp with latrine and a camp kitchen.
- c. Cooking enough meal for two persons using backwoodsman method.
ii) Pioneering :
- a. Tie and show the use of Double Sheet Bend, Scaffold hitch, Bowline on the bite
- b. Various methods of Hold Fast and Anchorages.
- c. With the help of other Rovers, build a Pioneering Project using Hold Fast and Anchorages.
iii) MAPPING :
- a. Know the Triangulation method and make a map of a small area
- b. Follow a route of not less than 1km and make a map of the route by Road Traverse method.
12). Work as “Free Being Me Peer educator” for forty eight hours, spread over a period of six months with at least two hours in a week. or Participate in a sustained community development project at least two hours in a week for six months on any two of the following subjects:
- A. Promote gender equality and empower women
- B. Reduce child mortality
- C. Improve maternal health
- D. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria & other diseases
- E. Ensure environmental sustainability.
13) Qualify for Proficiency Badges:
- A. Disaster Preparedness Badge
- B. Rambler’s Badge or Ecologist Badge
14) Undergo a minimum three nights adventure camp under canvas in an open air or make and stay in a tree top shelter for one night along with other Rovers.
Sea Rover:
In addition to Nipun Tests given above a Sea Rover will:
- (1) Know in general a ship.
- (2) Send and receive messages in Semaphore.
- (3) Know about the Zodiac.
- (4) Know about winds, tides and ocean currents in general.
- (5) Be able to read a course on chart and mark a course on a chart.
Air Rover:
In addition to Nipun Tests an Air Rover will:
- (1) Know International Emergency Codes of Flying.
- (2) Demonstrate Flying an aero model.
- (3) Know about rectification of defects in aero model.
- (4) Know about Gallantry Awards instituted in the country.
- (5) Know principles of fighting a fire in an Aircraft.
- (6) Have knowledge of forces acting on an Aircraft in flight.
Grameen Rover:
Prescribed syllabus for all tests assigned for Rovers will be applicable for Grameen Rovers. However, subjects found difficult or not related to Grameen Rover may be replaced by appropriate local activities/projects with the permission of SCC on the recommendation of DCC & SOC. The area specific alternate activities may be allowed by the State Chief Commissioner.
(i) A Nipun Rover who has completed the required syllabus will have to attend the testing camp organised by the State Association under the supervision of the State Organising Commissioner where the knowledge and skills of a Rover will be re-tested up to the Rajya Puraskar Rover Stage. The qualified Rover will be eligible for the Rajya Puraskar Rover Certificate and Badge.
(ii) Rajya Puraskar Rover badge is a pair of shoulder flashes in green of cotton or wool with letter ‘R’ in red at the bottom and two yellow bars under the letter.
(iii) The badge is worn in place of the Nipun badge.
(iv) Rajya Puraskar Rover is awarded by the Governor or Patron/President of the State Association.
(v) This award is presented by the Governor or Patron/President of the State Association on the recommendation of State Chief Commissioner and can be withdrawn under compelling circumstances by State Chief Commissioner