Tests for Rajat Pankh

Tests for Rajat Pankh

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Tests for Rajat Pankh :
(i) Know from your parents about a few important people in your village/locality and tell about them to the Flock Leader.
(ii) Learn from your parents about the care to be taken of brittle, sharp and valuable things in the house.
(iii) Prepare a handicraft out of the waste materials or do clay modelling.
(iv) Observe flowers in the garden, trees in the locality/ Mohalla and make a collection of eight flowers. Paste and label them in the log books.
(v) Be able to preserve thing collected by you.
(vi) Tie a Sheet Bend and a Fisherman’s knot and show their uses.
(vii) Render First Aid for small cuts, burns and scratches.
(viii) Along with your Six, do a Good Turn in School/ Locality under the supervision of the Flock Leader.
(ix) Demonstrate any three of the following :
(a) Make your own bed daily at least for a month.
(b) Know the importance of our National Flag.
(c) Sow seeds and grow a plant. The growth may be recorded and reported to the Flock Leader.

Prepare a Bird feeder or a fountain and maintain it for two months.
(d) Draw or paint a picture of any subject of your choice.
(e) Trim, fill, light and extinguish a hurricane / lantern or light a candle
Know the use of Emergency light and how to charge it.
(f) Make a handkerchief and present it to your mother.
(x) Follow a trail not less than half a kilo meter and not exceeding one kilo meter with your Six/FL/AFL.
(xi) Attend at least eight Flock Meetings as Komal Pankh Bulbul.
(xii) Participate in at least two All Faiths Prayer Meetings.
(xiii) Participate in Kim’s Game
(xiv) Know about the 3Rs of conservation i.e. Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.
Note : On completion of the test, a Komal Pankh Bulbul shall be awarded the Rajat Pankh Badge by the local or the District Association, as the case may be, on the recommendation of the Training Counsellor or examiners appointed by the Badge Committee, who arranges the testing. The Rajat Pankh Badge is cloth badge. This is a badge with white wings holding our Bharat Scouts & Guides emblem in yellow in the centre on blue background with the letters R & P super imposed on the left and right wing respectively. It shall replace the Komal Pankh Badge on the Uniform.

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