Tests for Nipun

Tests for Nipun

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(1) Strive for a happy family and undertake responsible family jobs to give relief to the earning members of the family.

(2) Develop in consultation with Rover Scout Leader for some typical Hobbies/Vocational Activities such as Tailoring, Fashion Designing, Candle Making, Screen Printing, Fine Arts, Hair Dressing, Photography, Modelling etc. which should lead for livelihood and show that the Rover is progressing in them.

(3) Participate in group discussions of your Crew and chair atleast two.

(4) Attend atleast four All Faiths Prayer Meetings of your Crew. And Participate in a service camp for one day.

(5) Have sufficient knowledge upto Tritiya Sopan Scout in Pioneering, Camping, Estimation, Compass & Mapping and First Aid for crew outdoor activities and service campaign.

(6) Organise games for children in the mohalla/ village for about a month. OR Conduct competitions for children preferably of your locality on a conservation subject.

(7) Participate in a debate or a street play on Population Education / Family Life Education

(8) Qualify for any one of the Rover Proficiency Badges:

  • (a) Literacy,
  • (b) Population Education,
  • (c), World Friendship
  • (d) Sanitation Promoter
  • (e) Civil Defence

(9) Associate with any nearby Pack or a Troop or at a LA/DA campsite for three months and render need based service or Render service for three months in an Institution/Village/Slum area/locality

(10) Participate in any one of the following :

  • 1 Rock Climbing,
  • 2 Trekking,
  • 3 Rafting,
  • 4, Para Sailing,
  • 5 Para jumping,


Complete adventure programme of National Adventure Institute or Other recognized Institute.

(11) Practice B.P Six Exercise or Surya Namaskar or Aerobic.

(12) Have knowledge about the Laws for protecting women.

(13) Organise “Campaign to Stop the Violence against Women and Girl Child”.

(14) Visit a factory in the neighborhood of schools/ colleges/residence to understand the manufacturing process of various products and also to respect the dignity of labour.

Sea Rover:
In addition to above tests for Praveen Badge a Sea Rover will:

  • (1) Swim fifty meters.
  • (2) Know about pulling or punting a boat.
  • (3) Send and receive simple words using Semaphore method of signaling.
  • (4) Know at least three constellations visible in the area.
  • (5) Know National Flags of neighboring countries.

Air Rover:
In Addition to tests for Praveen Badge an Air Rover will:

  • (1) Attend General information Course in Scouting.
  • (2) Know about a Parachute and Ejection seat in an Aircraft.
  • (3) Work on an aero model and its maintenance.
  • (4) Know methods of rescuing a trapped pilot in aircraft involved in an accident.
  • (5) Know gauges in the Cockpit of an Aircraft.

Grameen Rover:
Prescribed syllabus for all tests assigned for Rovers will be applicable for Grameen Rovers. However, subjects found difficult or not related to Grameen Rover may be replaced by appropriate local activities/projects with the permission of SCC on the recommendation of DCC & SOC. The area specific alternate activities may be allowed by the State Chief Commissioner and certificate to that effect should be produced in the testing camp.


(i) On completion of the tests to the satisfaction of the independent examiners appointed by Local or District Association, as the case may be, with the approval of the District Chief Commissioner on the recommendation of Dist. Org. Commissioner, Nipun Badge is issued by Local / District Association.

(ii) Nipun Badge is a pair of green shoulder flashes of cotton or wool with letter ‘R’ in red at bottom and a yellow bar under the letter.

(iii) The badge shall be worn on shoulder straps.


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