(1) Have an intimate personal knowledge, as a result on his own exploring and investigation, of the locality round his headquarters or his home, especially in regard to public buildings, the provision of public service, fire, transport, communication, public health etc, and residences of doctors, responsible public officials and (in country only) well known people, rights of way, footpaths, playing fields and other public property.
The area over which above intimate knowledge will be required is a three kilo meters radius from the group headquarters in country or towns upto 20,000 inhabitants; two kilo meters in towns between 20,000 and 1,00,000, inhabitants; one km. in towns over 1,00,000, inhabitants. The D.C. may at his discretion, vary the area to exclude undesirable neighbourhoods, parks or other open spaces and include an equivalent area.
Scout Proficiency Badges 143
(2) Have general knowledge of the district so as to be able to guide strangers, by day or night, within 8km. (five mile) radius and give them general direction as how to reach the principal suburbs, districts or town within 40 km. (25 miles) radius or alternatively in large towns have a sound general knowledge of what parts of the country are served by the mainline railways and how to reach the tram or bus stations and 12 importants places (Museum, Zoo etc.) by tram, bus or train, from his headquarters or home.
(3) Have some knowledge of history of the place and any buildings of historical interest.