Handyman :
Be able to do ten out of the following, at least three of which (selected by the Examiner) must be demonstrated.
(1) Paint a door or similar object.
(2) Whitewash or distemper a wall or ceiling.
(3) Clean and adjust gas fitting and replace mantles.
(4) Replace a tap-washer and adjust a ball cock.
(5) Hang pictures and fix curtain rods.
(6) Fix, repair and adjust blinds or chicks.
(7) Take up, beat and re-lay a carpet.
(8) Repair furniture, upholstery or china.
(9) Sharpen knives.
(10) Glaze a window.
(11) Top up and care for an accumulator.
(12) Service a hand pump.
(13) Replace a spring in a door lock.
(14) Know what immediate steps to take, in case of burst water-pipe or gas leak.
(15) Make and fix a chimney.
(16) Attend to clogged sinks.
(17) Thatch a hut.
(18) Plaster wall or floor with mud or concrete.
(19) Make steps with logs of wood, leading to a tank or a stream.
(20) String a bed with webbing or string.
(21) Know how to repair tube – well pumps.
(22) Make hammock.
(23) Repair a wooden well – top.
(24) Make a hay-box.
(25) Mend a bucket.
(26) Paint a pot.
130 Aims, Policy, Rules & Organisation Part – II
(27) Handle a pressure, oil-stove, gas- stove.
(28) Recane a chair seat.
(29) Polish furniture, oil-stove, gas-stove.
(30) Repair broken or defective plastering.
(31) Clean and polish car, scooter or motor cycle.
(32) Repair children’s toys.
(33) Repair an electric iron.
Estimated reading time: 1 min
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