Group – I – Character

Group – I – Character

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Estimated reading time: 2 min

Group – I – Character

1. Collector :– Make a collection of one group of objects, neatly and systematically arranged, for a period of at least three months and know something about them. The nature of the collection should be chosen by the Bulbul.
Suggestions are as follows :
stamps, postmarks, picture postcards, matchbox top, crests, feathers, moths, butterflies, leaves or flowers (for the purpose of the last two photographic or carbon reproductions may be accepted). Minimum number of articles to be collected in a group shall be 25.
Keep a scrap book, diary of events etc. for a period of atleast three months.

2. Entertainer : Be able to do any three of the following:
(i) Play a piece of simple music correctly on instrument or sing a piece of simple music in a correct manner.
(ii) Be able to take part in the performance of a skit.
(iii) Be able to recite an action song with appropriate action and movement.
(iv) Dress up and play a part in a depicted story or historical event.
3. Free Being Me :
4. Gardener :
(i) Take care of a plot of ground not less than 1.50 sq. metre for a minimum period of three months and grow atleast three kinds of vegetables or flowers on it.
(ii) Be able to name not less than four of each of the following in any area or garden.
(a) Trees or shrubs.
(b) Flowers or vegetables.
(c) Standing crops or weeds.
(iii) Be able to use the following tools : Spade, Fork, Shovel, Rake or equivalent implements.
(iv) Make a scrap book of not less than six pages of pressed leaves, flowers or vegetable. A minimum of twelve subjects to be shown.
Note : In case of Flocks in towns, where gardens are not available,
the following alternatives can be taken in place of No. (i) and (ii)
(i) Care of a window box for three months.
Or Care for two or more perennial plants in pots for three months.
(ii) Grow two of the following :
(a) A bulb (flower or vegetable) in water, sand or soil.
(b) Mustard, cress, peas, melon or beans of flannel or blotting paper.
5. Observer :
(i) Recognise five Indian animals or birds and observe their habits, know the names and appearances of ten flowers or ten trees or ten shrubs, and know what common places are poisonous to animals and human beings.
(ii) Know the seasons at which different kinds of fruits and vegetables can be obtained in their locality and when the main crops are harvested.
(iii) Find her way to an unknown spot, not more than 300 meters away by following directions given to her by the Examiner (either compass directions or signs made on the ground or land marks or a combination of these).
(iv) Be able to play a memory game remembering 12 objects out of 16.
Note : It is preferable to select variations of this game which are not used in Guide Company.
6. Story Teller :
(i) Tell one story in an affective manner to others.
(ii) To know a story out of ‘Panchtantra’ or ‘Jatak Katha’ and tell to the flock leader.
(iii) To collect a story from the news paper in your regional language and tell to the members of your Six.
(iv) To narrate an incident out of the life history of a historical hero or prophet of your State.

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