Golden Arrow Badge

Golden Arrow Badge

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a) A Chaturth Charan Cub having earned totally six proficiency badges, one badge each in Tritiya Charan and Chaturth Charan, remaining four badges to be earned from the proficiency bade groups not earned earlier. He may be awarded a special badge called “Golden Arrow” before completing ten years of age. The Badge will be on blue background with golden border with a prominent golden arrow with Bharat Scout and Guides Emblem in the centre. The Golden Arrow Badge shall be worn on the centre of the left sleeve. Golden Arrow badge is presented by the President of Bharat Scouts and Guides along with the certificate signed by the Chief National Commissioner.

b. The Chief National Commissioner who is the final authority to grant golden arrow badge and certificate on recommendation from the State Chief Commissioner.

c. The Chief National Commissioner shall issue suitable directives from time to time in respect of Golden Arrow Badge.

d. The State Association will organise a re-test camp under the supervision of the State Organising Commissioner (Scouts)

e. A Cub Master who is advanced trained and has a valid warrant will be competent to produce

f. All proficiency badges must be tested by the independent examiners appointed by the Badge Committee of Local Association /District Association and required details should be given in the registration forms as supplied by the National Headquarters.

g. Unit Leader is not eligible to work as independent examiner of the same unit

h. A Cub should have completed not more than ten years of age at the time of submission of his Golden Arrow registration form to concerned Regional Headquarters

i. There will be no limit for the eligible Cubs to be recommended by the Cub Master from his unit for Golden Arrow Badge.

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