Domestic Services

Domestic Services

Estimated reading time: < 1 min

Domestic Services :
(i) Demonstrate sweeping, dusting, scrubbing out a room properly, keeping floors and walls clean and in good condition, washing up kitchen and food utensils.
(ii) Clean ventilators, shutters, furniture and windows.

(iii) Clean and polish : brass, copper, silver and aluminium pots.
(iv) Show how to remove grease marks, tarpaint and ink stains.
(v) Serve a meal, according to individual custom for two persons.
(vi) Must know how to prevent harmful insects such as mosquitoes, ants, moths, cockroaches, white-ants, silver fish and bed bugs.
(vii) Arrange flowers.
(viii) Know how to make out and send and receive a money order.
Know how to call up and answer a telephone correctly.

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