(B) Sea Guiding Branch :
(i). Sea Guide and Sea Ranger
1. Sea Guides shall form a Sea Guide Company.
Sea Rangers shall form a Sea Ranger Team.
2. There shall be separate Groups for Sea Guides
and Sea Rangers.
3. Ordinarily, Sea Guide Company and the Sea
Ranger Team shall form part of the Local or
the District Association as the case may be.
Provided, however, with the approval of the
State Chief Commissioner, a separate Local or
District Association, as the case may be, formed
80 Aims, Policy, Rules & Organisation Part – III
of Sea Guide Company and Sea Ranger Team
with a view to impart special instructions in
water Craft.
4. Sea Guide Company or Sea Ranger Team or
Local or District Associations, as the case may be,
shall forward to the State Association, through
proper channel rules in regard to :
(i) Inspection of boats or boat used by Sea
Guides and Sea Rangers.
(ii) Restriction of said area and the number of
persons such boat may carry.
(iii) Provision of air tanks, life belts and other
safety devices.
(iv) Competent person being placed in charge
of such vessels.
(vi) Care and maintenance of the vessels.
5. Instructor in watercraft shall be a person qualified
for the purpose.
6. A current valid certificate about seaworthiness
of the vessel is necessary.
7. A ‘Charge Certificate’ is equality necessary.
Estimated reading time: 1 min
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