World Conservation

World Conservation

Estimated reading time: 1 min

World Conservation :
(1) Make a sketch illustrating complete water cycle using and describing the following terms:-
(i) Precipitation
(ii) Run- off
(iii) Ground Water
(iv) Water table
(v) Evaporation
(vi) Transpiration.
(2) Show that he is familiar with the main causes of the following types of pollution and how they can be
(i) Water
(ii) Air (including noise)
(iii) Soil
(iv) Waste.
(3) Show that he is familiar with the reason why so many animal species are threatened and what can be done to help these animals to survive.
(4) Make a list of “ What to do” and “What not to do.” In order not to damage but improve nature when hiking
and camping.
(5) Make a list including if possible, pictures of plants and animals in the country which are in danger of extinction.
(6) Carry out two of the following experiments:
(i) Demonstrate how soil may be lost or ruined through erosion and how grass and other plants help to protect it.
(ii) Demonstrate how soil is formed.
(iii) Demonstrate how plants produce oxygen.
(iv) Plant two bean seeds in a flower pot of top soil and two beans in flowerpot of subsoil, Test for a month and report:
(a) On difference in rate of growth in two pots.
(b) Appearance of plants and any difference noted.
(v) Collect muddy water in a glass jar from suitable stream and allow it to stand for atleast six hours. Observe amount of soil which settles at bottom, state where he thinks the soil originated from and why he thinks so.
(vi) Keep a daily record of weather of his neighbourhood for a month – including rainfall, direction and humidity.
(7) Do one of the following:
(i) Plan and carry out together with his patrol or Troop an anti – litter campaign in a public park or garden, school premises or any other public place for six hours utilising one hour at a time.
(ii) Take a nature trail for his patrol or Troop.
(iii) Take part in a conservation project for a period of at least one day.
(iv) Make, put out, maintain a forage rack for animals.
(v) Make and maintain a terrarium.
(vi) Build up a collection of plaster casts of at least six birds or animal tracks.
Note :
(1) The badge will be accompanied with a special certificate signed by the State Chief Commissioner.
(2) The badge will be worn on the left sleeve below the Rajya Puraskar / Rashtrapati Award Scout Badge.

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