Services (Senior)

Services (Senior)

Estimated reading time: 2 min

Services :
Do one of the following :
(i) Participate in a Community Development Project in any
member country.
(ii) Participate in a Community Development Twinning
Project in your own country.
(iii) Make a useful article for Sangam the World Centre in
our Region for fund raising purposes.
Promise A Commitment
The Promise that you have made is both a challenge and a commitment
for you. An old English songs goes like this:
‘Whenever you make a promise
Consider well its importance
And when made.
Engrave it upon your heart”
Let us know what is involves.
On my Honour : Honour in B.P’s word is “to be trusted”.
I Promise : There is no greater fraud than promise
unfulfilled. As you have voluntarily made, it is personal
commitment. You have a conscience please.
Regional Interest Badge 173
That I will do my best : You grow, your best grows.
There is no best that cannot get bettered. Doing is
putting the promise in action. Personal example please.
To do my duty to God : “God is not a sultan in the sky”.
There is nothing that he is not. You are indebted to him
for what all is given to you. Look at what you have and
what others do not have. Sharing your “Haves” with
other is serving God. You are unique in Gods creation.
You have a purpose in life which can be caught from
the religious faith your parents belong. Worshipping
God is not begging Him for under serving favours but
sacrificing what all you can willingly and cheerfully.
Your body is the greatest opportunity you are given.
A good tenant does not spoil his rented house as he
knows that the OWNER will not be happy but make
the best use of it. Your duty is to be ideal daughter of
the FATHER. Pray whenever you can but to praise Him
and thank Him. He knows what you do not have and
gives when you deserve. Serve to deserve.
And my country ; Country is not a big clod of earth.
It is the people who live in it their beliefs, aspirations,
culture, heritage, values…your duty to your country is
to understand them and uphold them. “Janam Bhoomi”
is Hamari” Think of your beloved Janani who gave you
birth, who fed, clad educated you and loved you above
all and sacrificed every thing to see you what you are.
Have you ever realised what your Janam Bhoomi gave
you? She gave you citizenship, you should be proud to
be an Indian. She gave you fertile lands, sweet water,
dense forests, priceless gems and hidden treasures.
She gave you the greatest spiritual leaders. She
protects your family embracing your home with sea
and mountains. As a grown up daughter, your duty is
to love her but dedicating yourself, to protect her by
taking care of her people and proses and to offer her
everything you have if there is a need to save her from
perils. To do all that, be a good citizen, contribute to
the society respect the law of the land and the national
symbols. Above all you cannot be weak and weaken
174 Aims, Policy, Rules & Organisation Part – III
the country but should be strong and strengthen the
To help other people : The Purpose of the Movement is
to train you in preparedness for service to others. All the
skills you have in your unit work, first aid, swimming,
pioneering, mapping, etc, are all to equip you to use them
when others are in need. Your family, neighbourhood
and community look for you in hours of need. Serving
people is serving country and God. Expect nothing in
return when you serve. Sacrifice is the salt of service.
To Obey the Guide Laws : Guide laws are the gist of
all the religions of the World. It will be worth saying
that the laws are the collection of all the moral values of
one’s life. Scout/Guide laws are the only means which
take a Scout/Guide in right direction.

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