Having worked for at least three months and attended four Troop Meetings a Scout Aspirant can be invested as a Scout on completion of Pravesh Test.
(i) A Pravesh Scout will work at least for six months to qualify for Pratham Sopan.
(ii) A Pratham Sopan Scout will work for at least six months to qualify for Dwitiya Sopan.
(iii) A Dwitiya Sopan Scout will work for at least six months to qualify for Tritiya Sopan.
(iv) A Tritiya Sopan Scout will work for at least nine months to qualify for Rajya Puraskar Badge.
(v) A Rajya Puraskar Scout shall work for twelve months to appear for Rashtrapati Scout Award Test.
(vi) Efficiency Cords:
- 1. Scout Efficiency Cords are made of chiffon Threads specially designed, supplied by N.H.Q. It will be worn under the right shoulder strap extending the cord to the top of right pocket stitched horizontally just above the BSG Stripe.
- 2. After Dwitiya Sopan Badge, a Scout may earn more proficiency badges.
- 3. If a Dwitiya Sopan Scout earns six proficiency badges in all shall be awarded Blue Cord by the Assistant Dist. Commissioner.
- 4. If a Tritiya Sopan Scout earns twelve proficiency badges in all shall be awarded Green Cord by the Dist. Commissioner
- 5. If a Rajya Puraskar Scout earns eighteen proficiency badges in all shall be awarded Golden Cord by the District Chief Commissioner.
(viii) JUNGLE GOPH :
- a. After the Rashtrapati Award, a Scout is eligible to earn Jungle Goph Cord which will be presented by the Dist. Chief Commissioner.
- b. Among the below mentioned Proficiency Badges, he has to qualify five Proficiency Badges not earned earlier: Back woodsman, Civil Defence, Map Maker, Archer, Meteorologist, Camper, Climber, Pioneer, Rescuer, Signaller, Explorer, Herbalist, Hiker, Naturalist, Stalker, Tracker, Fireman, and Swimmer.
- c. A Jungle Goph Cord is of Olive Green colour and will be worn in place of Gold Cord.