
Estimated reading time: 1 min

Musician :
Note : The Piano, Violin, Ceilo, Veena, Gotuvad, Sitar guitar key board or Flute may be used.
(i) Play the National Anthem.
(ii) Play the notes of one of the following Melkartas, Karnatic Hanumatodi Harikamboji mayamalavagoula Mechakalyani Natabhairavi Dhirasankarabharanam Or Hindustani Bhupali Intintal Khamaj in Jhaptal Bhairavi in Dadra Or Play scales and arpeggios on major and minor key.
(iii) Play Sankarabharana Aditala Varna and Bhairavi Aditala Varna. Or Sing or Play the following Thatas and scales : Kalyani Todi Purvi Asaveri Or Play the March Western.
(iv) Pas an easy sight reading test Western Or Sing or play from sight in the Saragam notation a given musical passage from one of the ragas of the following Bhairavi, Khamaj, Bilahari, Kuntalavarali. Or Pass an easy sight reading test from given notations of piece in Kafi. Bhairavi or Khamaj.
(v) Play two contrasted pieces, one by a classical composer and one by a modern composer. Or Play any piece of your own choice.

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