Group v – conservation and Technology

Group v – conservation and Technology

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Group v – Conservation and Technology

1 World Conservation :
1. Complete any three of the following :
(i) Visit a zoo, botanical garden, natural history museum or see a film about wild animals and tell examiner about her observation.
(ii) Own a pet for atleast three month and look after it.
(iii) Take part in litter chase in a public park, a garden school premises or any other public place for three hours utilizing one hour at a time.
(iv) Take part in a Flock Expedition involving nature study and make a log of her collections.
(v) Make, set up and maintain a bird bath and birD feeder.
(vi) Build and put up a den box for birds.
(vii) Plant shrubs or grass on area where there is no vegetation, cover and look after it for at least three months.
(viii) Make a compost heap in the backyard or garden.
(ix) Demonstrate the danger of soil erosion and the preliminary steps which could be taken to prevent it.
2. Should improve her environment by planting a tree, or a small grassy lawn or any other plant our-doors, in a box on a balcony or indoors in flower pots.
3. Carry out one of the following projects :
(i) Keep a scrap book and tell the examiner about any five animals in a zoo, their country of origin, feeding habits and details of special care they needs in the zoo.
(ii) Together with a friend arrange for the members
of her Flock a nature trail.
(iii) Choose a wild animal or a tree, fish or bird, Discover all she can about it and report her discoveries to the examiner.
Note :
(i) The badge is accompanied by a special certificate signed by the State Chief Commissioner.
(ii) The badge shall be worn above the line of the right pocket.

2. Heritage :
The Bulbul should understand the basic components of their own local culture :
They may compile their study in the form of an Illustrated scrap book.
1. Physical Environment of their locality (famous hills, rivers etc.) Common Trees Common plants and their uses Common birds Flora & Fauna of the region
2. She should first know & understand his/her own cultural identity & Heritage-family, tradition, customs etc.
(a) Scrap Book containing items like a “Family tree” tracing ancestors may be prepared.
(b) Participation in local festivals recorded in photographs or description.
(c) Traditional songs & dance.
(d) Food prepared in
that culture.
(e) Traditional costumes.
(ii) Arts of their locality Buildings Places of worship, Music, Musical Instruments, Dances Puppetry, Food, Costumes then and now.
(iii) Practical work
— Visits to local monuments and museums.
— Learning a traditional craft of the locality like pottery, Rangoli etc.
— Enacting stories and local legends.

3. Computer Awareness :
(i) Have knowledge of Brief History of Computer and its latest development.
(ii) Acclimatization with computer components & peripherals.
(iii) The best use of computers in Scout/ Guide activities.
(iv) Knowledge of the commonly used packages.
(v) Perform the following :
(a) Use Floppy and the hard disc in the computer.
(b) Booting and shut down of computer.

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